Writer T. James' Exploration of Words, on the Internet.

Great Escapes, Volume 1: An Anthology of Poems and Short Stories.

Recently I’ve received some great news: Great Escapes, Volume 1, an anthology of poems and short stories, has reached its funding target on Kickerstarter. Why is this great news? Because I have a poem, Aftermath of a Stormy Night, included in its pages and this will be my first piece of poetry to see print.   There are still five days to go before the Kickstarter appeal closes, so this is your last chance to dive over there and grab yourself a copy and some perks by making a pledge. Yes, I do get royalties, but I also think you’ll find something in it to fire your imagination…


If you are interested just click this link to Kickstarter. Enjoy.


  1. Rich Weatherly

    Congratulations, T.James!
    I believe I’ve seen that one. Good job :D

    • T. James

      Thanks, Rich. You have indeed – it’s been available on the web for a while, but it’s always a great feeling to have something in print. :-)

  2. Gareth

    Congrats on it TJ, I’ve a poem in there as well.

    • T. James

      I look forward to reading it when I get my copy of the book. If your poem is better than mine I may not speak to you for week, until I have massaged my ego back to a functional level. ;-)

  3. Marianne Su

    Congratulations to you and your poem, T.J.

    • T. James

      Thank you, Marianne, from me and my poem. :-)

  4. Bea

    https://thewordonthe.net/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_mail.gifCongrats TJ and Gareth! I’m looking forward to my copies.

    • T. James

      Thanks for commenting, Bea, and for supporting the project.

  5. Marilyn Armstrong

    You have only yourself to blame. You inspire me and I am awarding you the Very Inspiring Blogger award. The post will be up on my site tomorow morning (anything after midnight EST in the US) at http://teepee12.wordpress.com/2012/12/02/very-inspiring-blogger-award/

    I have tried to trim down the requirements to not make accepting the award a project and I hope you will be pleased. You really DO inspire me … so be less inspiring if you don’t want awards!! Otherwise, congratulations!

    • T. James

      Hi Marilyn,

      Thank you very much for the award – coming from one of the most prolific and articulate bloggers I know, receiving it is a real compliment. I shall get to work on my “acceptance” post soon.

      To any readers, Marilyn’s blog is well worth checking out – she writes with rare humanity, intelligence and common sense about a huge range of topics, and she has new posts going up almost everyday. So, why not pay her a visit at “Serendipity“?

  6. Anne Michaud

    Our Terrible James is growing up…CONGRATS ♥

    • T. James

      Thanks for the visit and the congratulations, Anne, it’s great when you drop by.

      BUT… I resent the slur on my reputation. I am not growing, nor will I ever grow, up. Firstly, I have been the height I am now since I was fifteen. Secondly, I have been the mental age I am now since I was fifteen. Everyone has their own way of coping with the rigors and complexities of modern life. This is mine, and I will not change for you or anyone else. *Blows raspberry with his tongue* ;-)

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