Writer T. James' Exploration of Words, on the Internet.

Silly Verse: Immortalise Those You Know.

For those reading this who have never heard of the OWG it’s an online writing group I was kindly invited to join several weeks ago. I met some great people there, and thought I would attempt to immortalise those I know well enough in verse. I make no apologies for the fact that some of the humour consists of ‘in jokes’, so feel free to ask them what it means on Twitter, and explore their websites to find out a little more about them.

Blame what happens below on Tammy Crosby who tried to teach me about haiku last night, but it was too complex for my little brain, and so I wrote this instead. A tribute to online friends in verse, written in a style suited to their general fun bonkers-ness. Let me know what you think, and if you’re not on the list and want to be, just let me know in the comments… I hope you enjoy it. ;)




Online Angie is a Gothsis;

As a writer, a “romanticist”,

But in real life,

Calling her ‘nice’ causes strife,

And gets her long dark skirts in a twist.



Tammy is a tri-athlete,

She has a pair of ‘steady’ feet.

Just for you,

She’ll write some haiku,

But be careful, she’s blunt when she tweets.



There’s an excellent writer called Anne,

And for her life she has a plan;

No longer in cinematography,

She’s now drawn to the literary.

Win the Booker Prize for fiction? Yes she can.



Danni is a writer,

A Rebel, and a fighter.

When she does a flash,

There’s no exchange of cash,

But those who read it feel lighter.



There was a gentle soul called Krista,

Who’s being changed into a Goth-Sister.

She started out nice,

But is being changed in a trice,

As others seek to twist her.



There is always trouble and strife;

In Jen’s family cannibalism is rife.

For her chosen vittles,

Are other Skittles;

At week start she was Mother, and wife.




Sean is called Manbeast;

For girlies his long hair is a feast.

When nearly cut off for a dare,

All the girls cried, “No fair!”

And threatened to like him the least.



The ladies like Colin Barnes;

His tweets full of Olde English charms,

But he doesn’t ‘do it large’,

When he holidays on a barge;

And penning novels doesn’t give manly arms.



Steve’s yet to finish his first novel,

So he works hard to stay out of a hovel.

After grafting all day,

Street-fighter on Xbox he’d play;

Dreaming of pounding his boss ‘til he grovels.


T. James:

When TJ writes cheeky verse,

The responses can often be terse,

“How dare you slight her,

We’ll come out and fight yer,

And send you away in a hearse.”


Silly verses by T. James, September 2011.



  1. T. Crosby

    lmao, oh so funny! loved yer limmericks! :)
    For you;
    TJ has a gentlemans prose,
    yet nary a hair on his head have we rose.
    He’s liable to bounce,
    since his nicknames been renouced,
    but that’s okay, we’re getting used to it, I suppose.

    • T. James

      Thanks Tammy. Yours put a grin on my face. ;)

  2. T. Crosby

    K I think Steve’s was the funniest but Danni’s was my fav. :)

  3. Angela Addams

    Very cute TJ. See, you did deserve that seriously cute blogger award ;-)

  4. Danielle La Paglia

    Thanks, TJ! I read mine to my daughter and now she keeps repeating the first two lines. LOL

    • T. James

      I hope I’ve not started something that’ll drive you crazy…

  5. Anne Michaud

    MUCH better:)

  6. T. James

    My pleasure Madame, fast-food poetry to order… would you like fries with that? ;)

  7. Sean Hayden

    LOL. Excellent job scrumpy.

    • T. James

      Cheers Sean. Poetry is easy when you have long flowing locks to inspire you. ;)

  8. Pat Hollett

    Great blog. Loved the poems. Everyone is done very well. Well, the ones I know anyway. Great work T.James.

    • T. James

      Thank you. Kind words will always get you a virtual biscuit. :)

  9. Lisa Forget

    I like to read poems by TJ
    they’re crafted cleverly each day
    And when he is done
    that when fun’s begun
    And giggle we will until Sunday

    May your Muse continue to inspire.
    :) Lisa

    • T. James

      Thanks for the verse Lisa, a welcome addition to the collection. :)

  10. Gareth

    Nicely done James. Haiku is actually a lot simpler than people think.

    • T. James

      Thanks for reading Gareth. Haiku, simple? Not when you’ve never tried it, and it’s 2 o’ clock in the morning ;)

  11. j d waye

    LOL! Brilliant! Now I’m eagerly awaiting meeting Sean, the unknown one.

    • T. James

      He hides under his hair. We can only guess what he really looks like…

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