Writer T. James' Exploration of Words, on the Internet.

Month: January 2012

How Dumb Do We Think Our Readers Are?

Recently, I have read several blog posts that told me how I ought to write. I’m up for some constructive criticism. In fact I need constructive criticism, but these diktats seemed to be based on the assumption that our readers do not have two brain cells to rub together.

The advice given by some is that we should always use the simplest language when writing, regardless of the style, genre, intended readership group, or subject of the piece concerned. Comments like, “Why use a $10 word when a 10 cent word will do?” illustrate the thinking.

I will put my neck out and say I disagree. As a reader, writer, reviewer, crit-partner – whatever your role – shouldn’t we look at how well the language used works within the context of the piece, and not just seek to see how well it adheres to a set of predefined ‘rules’? Continue reading

Poetry Without Words: Emoti-poetry, The Literary Wave of the Future!

Haiku is a beautiful art form. At its best it is profound, moving, and evocative. All this is achieved with an artful economy of words. But does it go far enough? Is it not simply an expression of yearning; for a higher, purer, more quintessential expression of the poetic art?

The wait for the Transcendent Form is now over! The Muse has come, and a new genre of poetry is born!

I present to you, for your delectation, the world-wide debut of:

Emoti-Poetry: Poetry Without Words. 

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My First Giveaway: Win Your Own Poem!

Why? Because I fancy the challenge, and how many people do you know who have had a poem written especially for them?

The Prize:

Your very own, unique, personalised short poem. (No, you are not getting a modern version of the Ancient Mariner).

Yours truly is the poet. You will, therefore, have to work out the value of the prize for yourself…      Continue reading