Writer T. James' Exploration of Words, on the Internet.

Tag: blog

One Lovely Blog Award

It is long overdue, but I thought it was about time I accepted another blog award to tide me over until the Pulitzer arrives *cough*. I was kindly nominated by Chrissey Harrison and Pat Hollett several moons ago, and I applaud them for their evident taste and rarefied discernment, in choosing me as the next recipient.

The One Lovely Blogger Award has a long and prestigious history that I know absolutely nothing about, but I am confident that I number amongst only a select few (thousand –Ed.) to have been lauded in this way. Continue reading

Seriously Cute Blogger Award

Ah, my first award :) No money, illicit favours or other nefarious activities were undertaken to secure this honour, honestly ;). Instead it was in a rare, and wonderfully heady state of giddy girlish delusion that Angela Addams did consider me worthy to receive this accolade (if you know Angela you will know that neither giddy nor girlish are her usual state-of-mind). Still once given, this award cannot be revoked. It is mine, Mine, MINE I SAY…. HahahahahHAHAHAHA!!!! Continue reading

The Bodacious Bloomers: An Award for Writers and Bloggers.

Recently I discovered that there was such a thing as a blog award when I was kindly nominated for ‘The Cute Blogger Award’ by Angela Addams (which I shall accept officially in a future post). There are other ones, but generally they celebrate achievements like being a ‘Versatile Blogger’, or reaching targets and goals like the ‘CampNaNoWriMo’ awards. Some awards cater for the cooler, darker side of the web, like the ‘Minions of Misery‘ award.

This is all wonderful, and encourages writers to reach for the stars, surpass themselves, and achieve the seemingly impossible. Then they get to brag about it to all their writing mates, whispering, “Nah, Nah!, I’m better than you…loooserrrrs!” behind their backs, but what about the looooserrrs? Is there nothing for them? Continue reading

Latest Project News

THE NOVEL – “Untitled” – Work on my fantasy novel continues, but I’m very much in the early stages of writing a first draft. The characters now have some colour and back-story, and the plot arc is slowly building on a, hopefully, solid foundation. My inspiration is coming as I write, and I have several ideas for an ending, but so far firm ideas for the latter story arc remain elusive. Overall though, I’m generally pleased with how things are going, and feeling inspired to see this project through to completion. *UPDATE – Still progressing 11/08/11.*

SHORT STORIES – *UPDATED 11/08/11* I’m currently attempting to finish a short story. It is a real challenge, cross culture, cross gender, and a sensitive and emotive subject. Whether I ever release it depends, mostly, on whether I feel I have done the subject-matter justice, as I feel  trivialising it would be wrong.

MY BLOG –  TheWordOnThe.Net – I am very much enjoying writing shorter, varied pieces of work as I seek to explore and expand my limits as a writer. As such the content, and format of the blog are changing with time as my ideas and aims coalesce. *UPDATED – 11/08/11*. Recently I’ve found myself exploring nonsense poetry. I don’t know if it’s very good, but I’m not going to learn unless I experiment. I would read them with this in mind :-). I may try something more serious at some point, maybe.

THIS NEWS FEED – I may change from this basic format in the future to either an RSS feed, forum, news link with my blog, or alternatively explore the possibilities offered by Facebook, Twitter et. al. Decisions, decisions?!