My two longer term projects have been paused ‘under review’ for some time. After a little gentle prompting from Twitter friends Sandy and Kirkus I have decided to go back and revisit the short story, where I had been considering abandoning it. As was pointed out, I don’t know if it will ever be ready for publication, but the editing experience I will gain from finding out will be invaluable.
A fantasy novel (no working title), paused at around 60,000 words, it is the first thing I ever wrote. There are plot and pacing issues. I still remain undecided about this one, as there remains a lot of actual writing to do. This goes against my natural inclination, but not just ploughing ahead writing scenes as they come, and using a more considered approach will probably be a more successful method of actually finishing what I started. Now I just need that minor consideration: a plot…
A short story (working title, “Cassie”), which I hoped to publish, has issues with style and content. It covers the subjects of cancer, depression, disinterest and relationship breakup, and hope. It’s ambitious, but I’m (eventually) going to edit it to within an inch of its life, and then I’ll know the fate that I shall decree…
TJ I am glad to read you will continue to persevere. You are a great writer, it would be a shame not to share your talent with the world.
Thanks for your encouraging words Sandy, although giving up was never a danger… I simply can’t now that I’ve put so much time into my new website
TJ I to want do encourage you to hang on. Please don’t sell yourself short.
I’ve seen one of your poems and read your latest flash fiction. Thanks for sharing this part of yourself and as Ms Westendorf has said, you are a great writer!