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Why would you want to take over the world? It’s messy, disorganized, and sooo much hard work! There will be no time left for gaming.
True, but as I already have no time left for gaming I have already faced this loss, and ‘sucked it up’, as one Canadian called Tammy would say…
However, you have simply pointed out the reasons why the world needs me to lead it so badly… I do not wish to assume power and ultimate control simply for my own good…
LOL, and they say ambition is dead. LOL
I loved this biography TJ. Yes I too spend a lot of time with books and with games and whilst I can’t win I can slaughter the foes with abandon and no retribution from any authorities (until the Government makes it illegal for me to waste electrons which knowing Cameron will be coming any day now.)
Great to see a fun biog and a clear indication why the school system needs a shake up. Lets see a school for mechanics, a school for builders and a school for the Meglomaniacal Inspired (and yes the M word does exist. So its all gravy. LOL)
Hi Gareth. I thought I would start small… just the Earth before I build my Interstellar Invasion Fleet.
If Ultimate Universal Power doesn’t work out, I suppose I could consider teaching…
While this was entertaining, I fear it’s a bit lengthy. What I’ve seen some people do is a “mini bio” that’s only a paragraph long and then have the “full bio” like this. That way, especially publishing professionals who are short on time, can get a sense of who TJ is at a glance.
Isn’t there any way of getting published without publisher’s getting to know you? This could be a final insurmountable hurdle.
Hopefully though the length is not a problem as there will be a much shorter bio on my new website that links to this one… Good advice though, cheers Danni.
Oh TJ, you always make me smile. Great bio: I laughed, I cried, I…sneezed.
BTW, we *almost* share birthdays:)
Thanks Anne, glad you liked it. I hope the sneeze wasn’t an allergic reaction. :O
Entertaining as always, TJ.
Hi Angie. I’m glad it made you smile.
I enjoyed reading that. It makes a change from the way-too-humble bios put forward by some writers. I never believe them as it is more likely that they, too, would like to be in charge of the world.
I’m glad you enjoyed reading it but *seriously*
THEM, in charge of the world?! Puurleease! We need someone sensible, dependable, predicable, mature, and with their feet firmly planted on the ground and their thoughts rooted in reality…
I am, quite clearly, the only reasonable candidate…
This made me smile. I really laughed at the part where you took credit for your son’s birth even though your wife believes she had something to do with it. Very funny TJ! Love the use of words here and your creativeness with the whole piece!
Thanks Pat… About the whole birth thing… My wife and I are going to have a little talk about that. There have been small murmurings of discontent regarding that issue. Boundaries *must* be established before we have a fully fledged mutiny.
The penalty is death, and I do love her, so I would rather we straighten this out before I need to do something drastic…
I don’t think I knew before that you’re a midlander! Me too
Or at least I was before I moved country. Again, like you I was just far enough from Birmingham to avoid getting the accent hehe.
Small world
As far as the biog goes, its good and made me giggle! But if you’re really hoping to hook agents/publishers then the advice I was given (and what seems to be done by authors) is to put your writing and literary parts first (after a brief sentence about you), then your personal life at the end.
Just passing on what I was told, feel free to take it or leave it