To heal I must rise on the wings of solace,
But with broken feathers,
I see only dirt on the ground.
Leaden and useless, I am nothing.
And yet, as I caress the earth,
I find I can clear a path…
Broken Feathers by T. James, © June, 2012.
Writer T. James' Exploration of Words, on the Internet.
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Wow. <3
Thanks, Krista.
Wow short and sweet.. I get the feeling there was more you wanted to say?
I really like it
No, that was it – I wanted to leave the reader with a thought… I’m glad you liked what there was though.
Simple and image-ful (if that’s a word, and if not, I just made it up)
A lot of poetry goes the epic route. And I’ve found I like the ones that encapsulate an idea in a lot less space.
This was partially influenced by our discussions on the short story format – framing ideas and letting the reader fill in the gaps for themselves…
Evocative and touching, nicely done TJ.
Thanks, Gareth. I appreciate you taking the time to read it.
Love the shift in emotion from despair to optimism, especially for a short poem like this.
Thank you, Marianne. I was trying for a lift at the end…
That was very good, TJ.
Cheers, Steve.